
Shujie Zhou

Faculty of Engineering
School of Chemical Engineering

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Tyree Energy Technology Building

Brief bio

Dr. Shujie Zhou is a postdoctoral research associate in Partcat group within School of Chemical Engineering and ARC GlobH2E training centre.  She obtained her PhD degree of Chemical Engineering in UNSW in 2023. Her research area is in the field of renewable solar energy conversion and green chemical synthesis, which involves solar cells, photoelectrocatalysis and photocatalysis. 

Her key expertise encompasses the scientific understanding of the structure-performance relationship of the photo(electro)catalysts to optimise the catalyst and reaction process design. She is working on realising sustainable production of value-added chemicals and clean fuels such as ammonia, H2 and carbon-based green chemicals through various photo(electro)catalytic reactions, including NOx reduction, water splitting, CO2 reduction, etc.

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